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Web & App Development

I was asked nearly a year ago to log into a client's Blogger account.  I've signed out of it probably 50 times now and it just keeps logging me back in automatically.  I don't know if this is a Chrome Bug or if it's Blogger, being obviously unsecure.  But either way, it's not safe to log into Blogger unless you're on your own machine.  

Blogger... signed in as someone else:

Blogger... clicked sign out:

Blogger... made me sign back into my Google account even though I'm already signed in:

Blogger... page pops back up after signing in as myself; but it shows that I'm signed in as someone else AGAIN:

Bottom line... don't trust Blogger.  It's very UNSECURE!!!

I'm not sure where the bug lies, but I believe it is a Chrome bug so I categorized it as so.

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