Using Substitutions throughout CB (refrerence from: Joomlapolis)
Simple Raw Field Value - display field with all HTML removed
The user [username] lives in [cb_citystate] and his name is: [name].
The user BobTBurns lives in Springfield, OH and his name is: Bob.
Raw Field Value - display field with all HTML removed (similar to above, but supports parameters)
[cb:userdata field="FIELD_NAME" /]
The user [cb:userdata field="username" /] lives in [cb:userdata field="cb_citystate" /] and his name is: [cb:userdata field="name" /].
The user BobTBurns lives in Springfield, OH and his name is: Bob.
Original Field Value - display a field with all HTML rendered
[cb:userfield field="FIELD_NAME" /]
The user [cb:userfield field="username" /] lives in [cb:userfield field="cb_citystate" /] and his name is: [cb:userfield field="name" /].
The user BobTBurns lives in Springfield, OH and his name is: Bob.
In addition to being able to display fields with the new substitutions method you have a multitude of parameters that can be added to extend the substitution requirements. These additionally parameters are required to provide usage of the IF substitution.
user - userid, #me, #displayed, #displayedOrMe
user_id - myid, ##
default - fields only
output - fields and tabs only ('html', 'xml', 'json', 'php', 'csvheader', 'csv', 'rss', 'fieldslist', 'htmledit')
formatting - fields and tabs only ('tr', 'td', 'div' (fields only), 'divs' (tabs only), 'span', 'none', 'table')
reason - fields and tabs only ('profile', 'register', 'list', 'edit', 'search')
list - userlist URL only
[cb:userdata field="FIELD_NAME" user="REPLACEMENT" /]
The user [cb:userdata field="username" user="#me" /] lives in [cb:userdata field="cb_citystate" user="62" /] and his name is: [cb:userdata field="name" user="#me" /].
The user BobTBurns lives in Branson, MO and his name is: Bob.
Parameters are also affected by operators which can change the way the the data is displayed or if it's even displayed at all.
Note: All parameters must come after the field (e.g. [cb:userdata field="FIELD_NAME" user="REPLACEMENT" /]) as anything otherwise (e.g. [cb:userdata user="REPLACEMENT" field="FIELD_NAME" /]) will not work.
= (equal)
>= (greater than or equal)
<= (less than or equal)
!= (not equal)
=~ (is regex)
!~ (is not regex)
&& (and)
|| (or)
includes (must have leading and trailing space)
!includes (must have leading and trialing space)
Tab - display a CB rendered tab
[cb:usertab tab="TAB_ID" user="REPLACEMENT" /]
[cb:usertab tab="17" user="#displayedOrMe" /] will display CBs Menu tab for example.
Position- display a CB rendered tab position and all its tabs
[cb:userposition position="POSITION" /]
[cb:userposition position="cb_tabmain" /] will display CB tabs in the Main position for example.
canvas_menu = Canvas Menu
canvas_background = Canvas Background
canvas_stats_top = Canvas Stats Top
canvas_stats_middle = Canvas Stats Middle
canvas_stats_bottom = Canvas Stats Bottom
canvas_photo = Canvas Photo
canvas_title_top = Canvas Title Top
canvas_title_middle = Canvas Title Middle
canvas_title_bottom = Canvas Title Bottom
canvas_main_left = Canvas Main Left
canvas_main_left_static = Canvas Main Left Static
canvas_main_middle = Canvas Main Middle
canvas_main_right = Canvas Main Right
canvas_main_right_static = Canvas Main Right Static
cb_head = Header (above left/middle/right)
cb_left = Left side (of middle area)
cb_middle = Middle area
cb_right = Right side (of middle area)
cb_tabmain = Main area (below left/middle/right)
cb_underall = Bottom area (below main area)
L1C1 = Line 1 Column 1
L1C2 = Line 1 Column 2
L1C3 = Line 1 Column 3
L1C4 = Line 1 Column 4
L1C5 = Line 1 Column 5
L1C6 = Line 1 Column 6
L1C7 = Line 1 Column 7
L1C8 = Line 1 Column 8
L1C9 = Line 1 Column 9
L2C1 = Line 2 Column 1
L2C2 = Line 2 Column 2
L2C3 = Line 2 Column 3
L2C4 = Line 2 Column 4
L2C5 = Line 2 Column 5
L2C6 = Line 2 Column 6
L2C7 = Line 2 Column 7
L2C8 = Line 2 Column 8
L2C9 = Line 2 Column 9
L3C1 = Line 3 Column 1
L3C2 = Line 3 Column 2
L3C3 = Line 3 Column 3
L3C4 = Line 3 Column 4
L3C5 = Line 3 Column 5
L3C6 = Line 3 Column 6
L3C7 = Line 3 Column 7
L3C8 = Line 3 Column 8
L3C9 = Line 3 Column 9
L4C1 = Line 4 Column 1
L4C2 = Line 4 Column 2
L4C3 = Line 4 Column 3
L4C4 = Line 4 Column 4
L4C5 = Line 4 Column 5
L4C6 = Line 4 Column 6
L4C7 = Line 4 Column 7
L4C8 = Line 4 Column 8
L4C9 = Line 4 Column 9
L5C1 = Line 5 Column 1
L5C2 = Line 5 Column 2
L5C3 = Line 5 Column 3
L5C4 = Line 5 Column 4
L5C5 = Line 5 Column 5
L5C6 = Line 5 Column 6
L5C7 = Line 5 Column 7
L5C8 = Line 5 Column 8
L5C9 = Line 5 Column 9
L6C1 = Line 6 Column 1
L6C2 = Line 6 Column 2
L6C3 = Line 6 Column 3
L6C4 = Line 6 Column 4
L6C5 = Line 6 Column 5
L6C6 = Line 6 Column 6
L6C7 = Line 6 Column 7
L6C8 = Line 6 Column 8
L6C9 = Line 6 Column 9
L7C1 = Line 7 Column 1
L7C2 = Line 7 Column 2
L7C3 = Line 7 Column 3
L7C4 = Line 7 Column 4
L7C5 = Line 7 Column 5
L7C6 = Line 7 Column 6
L7C7 = Line 7 Column 7
L7C8 = Line 7 Column 8
L7C9 = Line 7 Column 9
L8C1 = Line 8 Column 1
L8C2 = Line 8 Column 2
L8C3 = Line 8 Column 3
L8C4 = Line 8 Column 4
L8C5 = Line 8 Column 5
L8C6 = Line 8 Column 6
L8C7 = Line 8 Column 7
L8C8 = Line 8 Column 8
L8C9 = Line 8 Column 9
L9C1 = Line 9 Column 1
L9C2 = Line 9 Column 2
L9C3 = Line 9 Column 3
L9C4 = Line 9 Column 4
L9C5 = Line 9 Column 5
L9C6 = Line 9 Column 6
L9C7 = Line 9 Column 7
L9C8 = Line 9 Column 8
L9C9 = Line 9 Column 9
not_on_profile_1 = Not displayed on profile 1
not_on_profile_2 = Not displayed on profile 2
not_on_profile_3 = Not displayed on profile 3
not_on_profile_4 = Not displayed on profile 4
not_on_profile_5 = Not displayed on profile 5
not_on_profile_6 = Not displayed on profile 6
not_on_profile_7 = Not displayed on profile 7
not_on_profile_8 = Not displayed on profile 8
not_on_profile_9 = Not displayed on profile 9
Date - display a preformated date based off current date and time
[cb:date format="PHP_DATE()_FORMAT" /]
[cb:date format="Y-m-d" /] will display 2011-02-14 for example. The timestamp used is always the current date and time.
URL - display a CB constructed URL (pre-defined)
[cb:url location="DESTINATION" /]
Destinations include: login, logout, registers, lostpassword, manageconnections, profile_view, profile_edit, list, itemid
[cb:url location="login" /] will display the login raw URL that can be included with HTML for example. For list usage you must specify the parameter list="LIST_ID"; without it you'll be given the default userlist URL.
Config - display system and user configuration (pre-defined)
[cb:config param="PARAMETER" /]
Parameters include: live_site, sitename, lang, lang_name, lang_tag
[cb:config param="lang_tag" /] will display en-GB for example. Only the predifined parameters will return a result. Other configuration parameters are not provided for security reasons.
[cb:if username="demo"]This is Demo being displayed.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user_id="myid"]This is Me being displayed.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#displayed" username="test"]This is Test being displayed.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#me" username="demo"]This is Demo watching.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#me" usertype="Super Administrator"]User of type: Super Administrator[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#displayedOrMe" user_id<="0"]I am A GUEST.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#displayedOrMe" user_id>"0"]I am NOT A GUEST.[/cb:if]
[cb:if user="#me" username!="admin"]This is NOT Admin watching.[/cb:if]
[cb:if viewaccesslevel includes "1"]I am Public[/cb:if]
[cb:if viewaccesslevel !includes "1"]I am NOT Public[/cb:if]
[cb:if gids includes "2"]I have Registered Usergroup[/cb:if]
[cb:if gids !includes "2"]I do NOT have Registered Usergroup[/cb:if]
[cb:if username="demo" or username="admin"]This is Demo or Admin being displayed.[/cb:if]
[cb:if username="demo" and cb_country="USA"]This is Demo being displayed from the USA.[/cb:if]
There are many more possibilities. It's just a matter of trial and error to see what works for you.