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Web & App Development

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Joomla Extensions Directory

At the JED, or Joomla Extensions Directory you can find 1000s and 1000s of extensions that add functionality to your site. From store front e-commerce solutions to photo galleries, the JED has a lot to offer.

I always recommend checking for exploits on an extension before using it. There are several places such as or the Vulnerable Extensions List at

Favorite Extensions

  • Slideshow CK
    A responsive slideshow modules. Maximenu CK Mobile is needed in conjunction with the module for mobile optimization features.
  • Maximenu CK
    A versatile responsive menu with lots of features.
  • Phoca Gallery
    A very versatile and feature-rich image gallery component. Includes functionality for user uploaded images.
  • Akeeba Backup
    The most popular full site and database backup system available.
  • Advanced Module Manager
    Advanced admin features when working with modules. Allows many more options for module placement.
  • VirtueMart
    The most popular and versatile e-commerce solution for Joomla.
  • Community Builder
    Turns your site into a full featured social network. Very developer friendly.
  • JomSocial
    Another solution for a social networking website.
  • Custom HTML Advanced
    Custom code module for using PHP, Javascript, IFrames, and other codes.
  • ChronoForms
    A feature-rich forms creation and management component. Many actions available including the ability to charge upon form completion (paypal).
  • XMap
    Dynamic sitemap creation and management tool.
  • Kunena
    A very nice looking forum component.
  • Events Manager
    A very comprehensive events manager component.
  • JEvents
    An events calendar.