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- Advanced Module Manager Not Showing Colors
- Aikon Smooth Scroll - Can't Scroll Down in Chrome
- ArkEditor - WARNING
- Auto Height Not Working on Wrapper Module
- Bug with Maximenu CK 8 and Virtuemart Patch
- CK Extension - WARNING
- DJ Classifieds Bug - Buy Now Button not Showing
- FancyBox Inline Content Instructions
- Komento Recaptcha Bug
- Module Flexi Custom Code Randomly Disappears & Appears
- Project Log Temp SEF URL Fix
- Qlue Sitemap Fix
- SEO Title Tag for Event Booking Pages
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Web & App Development
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 1443
They do stuff like put their style sheets after yours so that their styles will be read and yours will be ignored. Of course, they probably know what's best for the design of your site, right? That's BS but I run into it all the time. Ignorance is the correct word for it.
My recommendation, if you're up to it, is to create your own slideshow and cool looking menu from scratch. Then you don't have to deal with these crappy extensions.
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 1776
Do not install Ark Editor. The extension developers are too incompetent apparently to make sure updates to the component don't break your Joomla site. And you better have a backup if you do take the chance because it's very very difficult to fix if even possible.
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 2246
- Details
- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 2196
Anyway, the first thing you have to do is edit /components/com_djclassifieds/themes/WedBorrow/views/additem. Even though I have the system settings set to 'Buy Now: Yes' and 'Allow Auctions: No', it is not showing the buy now option and the option is set to no. First of all, it's a classified system... there should be no option for 'buy now' if you're not using the auctions! Anyway, you have to change this line:
<option value="1" <?php if($this->item->buynow){echo 'SELECTED'; }?> ><?php echo JText::_('JYES');?></option>
<option value="1" SELECTED><?php echo JText::_('JYES');?></option>
Then you should hide the yes/no option for 'buy now'. Like I mentioned, it's stupid and pointless for such a thing to show in just a classified system. The developers here also don't bother to put any kind of unique styles on their fields. So around line 55 find:<div class="djform_field">
And add a class to it like:
<div class="djform_field hidden">
Now you can add a style in your CSS such as.hidden {display:none;}
Next issue: there's no friggin way for guests to purchase items!!! Why should you have to log in to buy something on a classified site???
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 7248
<script type="text/javascript">
function iFrameHeight() {
var f = document.getElementById('blockrandom'); = '100px' ;
var d = (f.contentWindow.document || f.contentDocument) ;
var height = Math.max(d.body.offsetHeight, d.body.scrollHeight) ;
height += 200; // scrollbars? = height + 'px' ;
f.setAttribute("height", height) ;
<iframe <?php echo $load; ?>
name="<?php echo $target ?>"
src="<?php echo $url; ?>"
width="<?php echo $width ?>"
height="<?php echo $height ?>"
scrolling="<?php echo $scroll ?>"
class="wrapper<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx ?>" >
<?php echo JText::_('MOD_WRAPPER_NO_IFRAMES'); ?>
- Details
- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 3964
Warning: require(/home/tjohns5/public_html/tonyDSadministrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tjohns5/public_html/tony/modules/mod_maximenuck/elements/ckvmcategory.php on line 15
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/tjohns5/public_html/tonyDSadministrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/tjohns5/public_html/tony/modules/mod_maximenuck/elements/ckvmcategory.php on line 15
It's not really a bug... I just didn't have categories in Virtuemart set up and assigned in the module.
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 2292
FOUND IT! I had zoomed out previously and thought I had zoomed back in. Either way, hit <ctrl>0 to reset the zoom level.
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 2320
Click on 'option' on the top right.
Under default settings, look at 'colours'.
They are default like:
FFFFFF,00FF00,FF0000, etc.
Just add the hashtags so it looks like:
#FFFFFF,#FF0000,#00FF00, etc.
- Details
- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 7904
Inside of your site's theme, create the following folders and file (xml.php) so that the following example file path exists...
The file, xml.php should contain the following:
<?php /** * Qlue Sitemap * * @author Jon Boutell * @package QMap * @license GNU/GPL * @version 1.0 * * This component gathers information from various Joomla Components and * compiles them into a sitemap, supporting both an HTML view and an XML * format for search engines. * */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted Access'); ?> <urlset xmlns=""> <?php if (!empty($this->items)): ?> <?php foreach($this->items as $key => $link): ?> <url> <loc><?php echo $this->url . $this->escape($link) . "/"; ?></loc> </url> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </urlset>
By the way, if you want to make the HTML sitemap look good (the one that visitors see), here's some CSS. You might want to change the colors to match your site. By the way, you need to have a unique body tag on your site. If you don't and want to add one to your index page, check it out here.
body.siteMap .content { text-align:center; } body.siteMap .content ul>li { display: inline-block; margin: 6px 3px; } body.siteMap .content ul>li>a { background: #0000ff; color: #fff; padding: 2px 8px; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 5px; } body.siteMap .content ul { border: 1px solid #000; padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 20px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #000; }
That's it. Qlue Sitemap should work fine now.
This works on the latest version of Qlue Sitemap in Joomla 3.3+
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 3345
I just removed all functionality in the router.php file located inside the com_projectlog folder so it looks like so...
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die; class ProjectlogRouter extends JComponentRouterBase { public function build(&$query) { } public function parse(&$segments) { } } function ProjectBuildRoute(&$query) { } function ProjectParseRoute($segments) { }
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 3527
<a class="various" href="#inline">Inline</a>
Great. It should be:
<a class="fancybox" href="#inline">content</a>
Then you just put the content in a div with id="inline" and style it with display:none;
<div style="display:none;" id="inline">lorem ipsum content content stuff</div>
- Details
- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 5142
Using Event Booking's 'Upcoming Events' menu item type for the home page destroyed my title tag.
I tried a few methods, but the quick & easiest is to just remove the instructions to replace the Joomla core page title. You will just need to set this in the page display options of the menu item.
Remove the following code from /components/com_eventbooking/views/upcomingevents/view.html.php. You should find it around line 35.
$pageTitle = JText::_('EB_UPCOMING_EVENTS_PAGE_TITLE'); if ($category) { $pageTitle = str_replace('[CATEGORY_NAME]', $category->name, $pageTitle); } $document->setTitle($pageTitle);
If you're looking to fix this on other pages/menu item types, it should be easy to figure out where to find it. For example, if you want to fix it on a page of item type, 'events calendar', look for the same chunk of code or similar and remove it from /components/com_eventbooking/views/calendar/view.html.php.
This modification is specifically for Event Booking 1.6.3 on Joomla 2.5.14, but it should be of help with later releases also.
By the way, unfortunately you can not do this via a template override... not on the .html.php file. So, for now, you'll just have to be careful when you update and rip out the bad code every time. Booooo to the developers for not caring about SEO.
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- Written by Timothy Johns
- Category: Extension Bugs
- Hits: 4481
It took me a while to figure out why I had modules disappearing and appearing multiple times in random positions. It was caused by a combination of Flexi Custom Code and an ISP caching issue. Replacing Flexi Custom Code with Custom HTML Advanced corrected the issue.
Custom HTML Advanced unfortunately doesn't allow you to mix HTML & PHP. There are separate boxes for each of those languages. So, for example, if you want to put a dynamic copyright in the module, you would need to put it in the PHP box like so...
?> <div class="copyRight"> © 2010-<?php echo date('Y'); ?> </div> <?php
Also, you might want to get rid of the pointless HTML comments placed around the module in /modules/mod_custom_advanced/mod_custom_advanced.php (if you like very clean code like me)...
<!-- BEGIN: Custom advanced ( --> <?php $customHtml = $params->get('customHtml'); if (strlen($customHtml) > 0) { if ($params->def('prepare_content', 0)) { JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $customHtml = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $customHtml); } echo $customHtml; } $evalPhp = $params->get('evalPhp'); if (substr($evalPhp, 0, 5) === '<?php') { $evalPhp = substr($evalPhp, 5); } if (substr($evalPhp, -2) === '?>') { $evalPhp = substr($evalPhp, 0, -2); } if (strlen($evalPhp)) eval($evalPhp); ?> <!-- END: Custom advanced ( -->