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Web & App Development

Custom Social Network Development

Complete development of your social network from the ground up using the latest in web technologies. Your social network will be built in a content management system with a very powerful, feature-rich, and fully customized social media network extension.

A Complete Customized Social Network Starts at $3000

*Payment plans available   *Turnaround Time: appx 1.5 months
*Includes multiple premium open source components


Here are some of the features available in order to build your own community with personalized user profiles.

  • Member categorization, lists and reporting features.
  • Member interaction with connection features such as search, messaging, and more!
  • Members can create their own content via their wall, articles, blog entries, and image gallery.
  • Ability to let specific members be moderators in the front end of your site.
  • Translatable language options (front and back) available.
  • Users can be grouped into nested groups in multiple categories and can create their own groups if required.
  • Scalable, reliable, robust, and secure.

Options, Extras, and Possibilities

There are litterally over 100 additional extensions available for this system. The possibilities are not only limitless, but the type of social network you're looking to build also spans indefinitely. Just ask and I'm sure your needs can be met through whatever extensions and means necessary.

Here are just a few additional options available...

  • Allow users to sign up with one of their other social networks including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Google Plus.
  • You can also allow your current members to import information from their social networks in their profile options.
  • Ability to have a paid membership social network. 
  • Multi-step sign up process if desired.
  • Profile completeness dialog so your members have a visual of what is still needed to have a 100% complete profile.
  • Members have the ability to add just about anything to their wall including images, Videos from various sources such as YouTube, and text formatting.
  • Standard search plus the ability to search all members, a specific group, or specific fields (like location, age, etc.).

Project Management Options

With some larger projects, my clients prefer to work with more than just a website developer. When requested or when necessary, I can provide a project manager and/or a graphic designer. In which case, the client would actually be working with a 'team'.  In most cases, this can be accomplished without a substantial increase in cost.