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Web & App Development

Getting your website optimized for mobile devices is as important today as it is just to have a website. Google has started cracking down on websites that don't comply to their guidelines... and they are PICKY. They have rules set in place for things such as the number of pixels that should be between links and buttons, no image or content may extend past the horizontal edges of a mobile device's screen, etc. If these rules are not strictly followed, your site will get bumped down or removed from search results for users searching on mobile devices.

Here's a couple links related to Google's protocol on mobile optimization...

Google Mobile Guide

Test Your Site Using Google's Mobile Analysis Tool

Feel free to fill out the form below to get a free detailed analysis and price quote on optimizing your website for mobile devices.

Free Mobile Analysis

Fill out the simple form below to get a free analysis of what needs to be done to your website to not only comply with Google's guidelines... but to look good too! I'll also give you a quote on the project.

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