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Web & App Development

This is something that pisses me off beyond belief.  For some stupid reason, every time you alter anything in the system configuration, Joomla changes the permissions of configuration.php to '444'.  WTF!!!???  Why?  Leave that shit alone!

That has caused me issues many times over the past 10 years working with Joomla.  And it is still something that really pisses me off.  If I want to change the permissions, that's my right - not Joomla's.  

Here's an example... say you move a website and create a new database.  You change the database credentials in configuration.php and upload.  If you use Filezilla, you probably won't see the little teeny tiny error in the console.  Yes, the developers at Filezilla are just as ignorant.  SHOW THE F'ing ERROR.  Bold it.  Pop it out.  I don't care, but I don't look at the tiny text in the console every time I upload a file.  And I shouldn't have to.

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