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Web & App Development

I just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8 and wanted to start a log on my experience with it.

I actually installed it previously, but didn't realize I was installing it on a failing hard drive.  Down with stupid old spinning hard drives!!!

Anyway, here's my first impressions...
  • It 'looks' better.  Very appealing in some of the graphic changes.
  • Starts up and shuts down slower.  It's supposed to be faster in this aspect, but it probably depends on what programs and how many you had installed in Windows 8 before the upgrade.
  • Wakes up faster after sleeping.
  • Some of my software seems to open slightly faster.

Microsoft Edge

I actually like this browser more than any browser Microsoft has ever created (talking about Internet Explorer).  It is extremely fast.  Much faster than Chrome, but I can't really compare because I have soooo many plugins installed on Chrome that I consider it partially my fault that Chrome has slowed down some over the years.

It has some of the most comprehensive developer tools I've seen in a browser.  I'm very surprised they 'one-upped' Google here.  Maybe trying to appeal more to developers and tech people - because they know that's where a lot of their reviews come from.

So far, so good... no complaints about Windows 10 or Edge yet...  I'll add to this post as time goes by...

UPDATE: Windows 10 SUCKS!

After a couple days, it now takes around 5-10 minutes to start up.
When you put it to sleep, it usually crashes trying to wake up.
Opening the control panel... it goes black screen, then comes back with control panel closed.

Obviously, this operating system is not ready for coming out of beta.  I will probably revert to Windows 8.  NICE JOB, MICROSOFT... AGAIN!

Yet another downfall... The plain text editor (notepad) that comes with Windows 10 is garbage and useless.  You can no longer copy text out of it and place elsewhere... not without it putting line ends all over the place.  C'mon, Microsoft... get your !#@ together.  Guess I'll be using Google Docs only from now on.  Thanks again, Microsoft!

UPDATE: some issues fixed

I no longer have to wait 10 minutes for it to start up.  And the text editor seems to be working now.  But now I'm running onto issues with a December 2015 update... see 'Windows 10 Touchpad issue'.


No surprise here... now Microsoft Edge does not work.  It doesn't search and it won't load any webpages.  Typical.

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