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Web & App Development

Showing specific fields for specific groups in Group Jive

I need to show only specific fields for each group in Group Jive.  

Here's my plan...

I haven't looked at the code before saying this, but... I'm going to find where the tabs are echoed in the templates and use the variable for the tab name in the class of the tab. So, for example, right now on of my tabs looks like this: <h2 class="tab"><a href="#">Movies</a></h2>

I will just alter the html & php so it looks like: <h2 class="Movies"><a href="#">Movies</a></h2>

Then I will add a php conditional to compare the group to the tab class and use CSS display:none or :inline on it. I don't know if I'll have to do a database query to get the database field I'm looking for here or if the variable's already available.  Either way, it will accomplish the task without using a bunch of CB Query Fields & Conditionals in the component.

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